Open Windows URL shortcut in Linux.

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I am working on a robot project with my brother. We share data (datasheets, pictures…) in a folder synchronized on dropbox. He only uses Windows and I am mainly using Linux (debian based distros with GNOME Desktop Environment to be precise). He tends to use Windows URL files to save web shortcut in a sharable way. But those files are not openable by default in Linux. I want to open those .url files with a simple double click.

Here is a way to automatically open Microsoft Windows URL shortcut file in Linux default browser.

MS Windows URL shortcut

A url file has the .url extension and look like this


Creating the right application

In order to automatically open .url files we need to create an “application” in GNOME. This will be a bash script and and .desktop file. This will create an “open with” entry in the selection menu.

create executable

Create the bash script in /usr/bin/mswin-urlfile and paste this content

if [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] ; then
  echo "$(basename "$0") URLFILE - opens a .url file in the default browser"
  sed 's/^BASEURL=/URL=/' "$1" | grep -m 1 '^URL=' | sed 's/^URL=//' | sed 's/\r//' | xargs xdg-open

Then enable execution permission with

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mswin-urlfile

create application entry

To create an application entry in GNOME, we need to create a .dekstop file. create /usr/share/application/winurl.desktop and paste this content

[Desktop Entry]
Comment="open msurl file in default browser"

Exec=/usr/bin/mswin-urlfile %u

select our new “application” to open URL files

  1. Find a .url file with the file explorer;
  2. right click on it and select “open with”;
  3. scroll down the list and select “WinURL”;
  4. enable “Always use for this file type” at the bottom;
  5. finally click on “open”.

open with menu

Tadam! You can now open all .url files in your default browser by double clicking on it.
